What has been your experience with advertising on Facebook to acquire more Implant, Invisalign and Braces patients?
How do you all eat after extractions and implants I’m 5 days out and I’m scared I’ve only had water.
What are some adverse effects to getting teeth implants?
What are the challenges dentists face during dental implant surgery?
Has anyone had any luck with insurance covering any part of the dental implant procedure?
I wanted to give an update! Yesterday I got 19 teeth removed including all of my top. I feel pretty good! What do you think of my temps?
Finally after 10 mths & several wax tryins I got my snap ins but still have to learn to eat with bottoms bc I never did with my temps.
My temporary teeth. One week since surgery PF1 hybrid 6 Dental Implants straight into the gums with 3D denture attached. I had them done at Fusion Implants in Prairieville, Louisiana
I’m confused… hear a lot of people here that had their temps screwed in at the same time -right after- they get their implants. My son was never offered that
Has anyone with chronic periodontal disease lost their implants?
For those who only had local anesthetic for their procedure… how did it go when getting implants? I’m not worried about the extractions, but getting 4 lower implants without being
Has anybody else had a HORRIBLE time with their temps? Im only doing an upper snap in bc my bottoms are great but I’m almost 6 weeks out past my
What has been your experience with advertising on Facebook to acquire more Implant, Invisalign and Braces patients?
How do you all eat after extractions and implants I’m 5 days out and I’m scared I’ve only had water.
What are some adverse effects to getting teeth implants?
What are the challenges dentists face during dental implant surgery?
Has anyone had any luck with insurance covering any part of the dental implant procedure?
I wanted to give an update! Yesterday I got 19 teeth removed including all of my top. I feel pretty good! What do you think of my temps?
Finally after 10 mths & several wax tryins I got my snap ins but still have to learn to eat with bottoms bc I never did with my temps.
My temporary teeth. One week since surgery PF1 hybrid 6 Dental Implants straight into the gums with 3D denture attached. I had them done at Fusion Implants in Prairieville, Louisiana
I’m confused… hear a lot of people here that had their temps screwed in at the same time -right after- they get their implants. My son was never offered that
Has anyone with chronic periodontal disease lost their implants?
For those who only had local anesthetic for their procedure… how did it go when getting implants? I’m not worried about the extractions, but getting 4 lower implants without being
Has anybody else had a HORRIBLE time with their temps? Im only doing an upper snap in bc my bottoms are great but I’m almost 6 weeks out past my
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