Top 5 & Best-Rated Dental Conferences To Attend Each Year

-- Sean Myran, DDS

Process of dental operation for little boy

How to best take advantage of a dental conference

Conferences have significantly expanded over the past 10 to 20 years, causing conferences to spread thin in attendees, making it more advantageous than ever to innovate conferences. These innovations, such as combining conferences with vacation time, implanting teledentistry into the mix, and giving CE courses on topics such as business, accounting, and computer technology to keep up with the latest products and equipment. Conferences that focus on combining multiple experiences into one package, all while providing the same benefits that all conference give. For any new dentist, attending conferences can be a great experience. Here, we offer some great advice on how to get the most out of any dental conference, including how to network with the top influences and how to take advantage of your CE courses.

Tip 1: Plan ahead

Before attending any conference, take a look at what they have to offer. Many conferences, such as Smiles at Sea, host numerous seminars and public speaking events from major dentists and company representatives within dentistry. Plan out each day according to that what you wish to do and get the most out of the days that you have there.

Tip 2: Blend work with fun

If you spend your whole time at education shops, then you’re going to become worn out. If the conference offers parties, dances, or buffet events, then enjoy yourself! Spend some time walking around the exhibit floor to explore the area, head out and get yourself a cup of coffee, hang out with some friends you’ve made along the way, and listen to some speakers along the side.

Tip 3: Networking

One of the secrets to great networking experiences is to talk, be open to learning, and ask for advice. When surrounding yourself with experienced dentists, inquire about their history, how they came into dentistry, what they’ve learned along the way in their career, and what tips they offer for new and even experienced dentists. Networking is more about gaining insight into the industry; it’s also about finding colleagues and potential business partners who can help you in your own practice and career.

Why Attend A Dental Conference

Besides the basics, dental conferences offer excellent experiences and can provide helpful information on how to gain new patients, expand your skills with CE courses, and meet up with strategic partners in the industry. Dental conferences also give the latest updates within dentistry, providing details and insight on new treatment techniques, new products, and updates on equipment regulations. Some of the most popular conferences cater to all of these needs while providing extracurricular activities, including parties, buffet events, and sightseeing. Dental conferences can be specialized to any particular topic in dentistry, and give a great way to improve your resume and practice overall.

1. National Dental Association Annual Convention

National dentak association
National dentak association

The National Dental Association is the premier organization for African American dentists, and dentists of color, and has been a national forum for minority dentists for over 100 years. The NDA aims to advance equality within the dental industry by promoting minorities within the dental profession by giving scholarships and support programs. Compromised of forty-eight states and local chapters within the U.S. and the Caribbean, their annual convention exhibits courses on dental ethics, substance abuse, women’s health, and teledentistry for health providers, featuring sponsors from companies such as Colgate-Palmolive and the American Dental Association.

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2. International Dental Show


The International Dental Show differentiates itself from dental conferences by focusing on personal conversations and business contacts, creating trade fairs and exhibits to showcase the latest studies, innovations, and techniques within dentistry. The IDS combines dentistry and dental technology into one package, giving visitors the ability to experience the latest in technology and developments in science. By showing live demonstrations, performances, and presentations, dentists, and dental technicians from all over the world can come together to develop new networking opportunities and enrich the lives of students and dental colleagues.

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3. CDA Art +Science of Dentistry Convention


The California Dental Association annually hosts its convention in Anaheim, CA, bringing together hundreds of speakers, exhibitors, and volunteers to showcase the science and artistry of dentistry. The CDA’s Art and Science of Dentistry convention allow dentists to learn new skills with over 175 lectures and workshops and focuses on new graduates and students in dentistry to connect with seasoned dentists to help them grow in their profession. From all over the globe, industry speakers come to give presentations about the latest in dentistry, and over 500 exhibitors come each year to present their newest innovations and deals on the latest products.

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4. Pacific Dental Conference


The Pacific Dental Conference is Canada’s premier conference, hosting annually over 200 open sessions and 300 exhibitors from the most popular companies. This conference hosts their own lab expo that brings together dental technicians, denturists, and dentists to meet up with the biggest companies, giving dentists great opportunities to exchange information and forge new business relationships. Since 1998, the conference has been creating annual meetings to connect with dentists not only in the British Columbia area but with neighbors in the United States and other provinces in Canada. This conference is organized by dental professionals and is for dental professionals. Giving resources in the latest in technology and cutting edge techniques.

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5. British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry Annual Conference


The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry services dentists in the cosmetic field, giving learning opportunities and networking sessions for dentists all over the world. The conference accounts fr at least six hours of CE courses per day when attended, giving dentists within the UK a great opportunity to earn their courses. Throughout the conference, seminars are held on topics such as CAD/CAM materials, composite artistry, producing better digital workflow in dental labs, and rehabilitation with ceramic restorations. The academy has hosted over 16 conferences so far and is known as one of the fastest-growing conferences within the UK for cosmetic dentistry.

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Some other well-known conferences not mentioned in this list include the Southwest Dental Conference, Smiles at Sea, New Orleans Dental Conference, and the Academy of Dental Management Consultant Annual Meeting. These conferences have great opportunities for engagement and connecting with the best dentists in the industry, but for these purposes, we have selected a list of prominent conferences on a global scale, catering to the unique aspects of dentistry.

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Picture of Sean Myran, DDS

Sean Myran, DDS

Dr. Sean Myran is a dentist and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He practiced and ran his private practice dentistry for ten years and has been a full-time online marketing expert for the last 15 years. He writes for Dental Country and other blogs covering a wide range of dentistry-related topics.