Top 10 Fluoride Trays for Dentists

-- Dental Country Editors


Table 1: Comparison of Fluoride Trays based on Features and Specifications

Product NameDesignMaterialSizeQuantity
Topex Dual-Arch Disposable Fluoride TraysDetailed occlusal anatomy, locking handle, color-coded sizesN/A4 sizes50 trays/pkg
Oral-B Centwins Disposable Fluoride Applicator TraysNaturally contoured fit, stable foam design, anatomical contoursClosed-cell foamN/A50 trays/pkg
Denti-Care Fluoride Trays – Hinged Dual ArchHinged, typodont design, color-coded sizes, easy removable tabsComfortable-fit foamSmall, medium, large50 trays/pkg
NUPRO Dual-Arch Hinged Fluoride TrayAnatomically designed, soft material, color-codedN/AN/A50 trays/pkg
Oral-B CentraysContoured fit, stable non-flimsy foam design, anatomical contours, hide-a-hingeClosed-cell foamN/A100 trays/pkg
Denti-Care Fluoride Trays – Single ArchTypodont design, comfortable fit, ideal for patients with a hyperactive gag reflexComfortable-fit foamN/A100 trays/pkg
Dual Arch Fluoride TraysSoft foam, I-beam style, versatileSoft foam5 inches100 trays/pkg
Topex Single Arch Disposable Fluoride TraysDetailed occlusal anatomy, color-coded, deep distal damN/AUpper and lower sizes100 trays/pkg
Discovery Trays – Double-HingedPatented design, foam matrix, color-coded, handlesN/A4 sizes100 trays/pkg
Fluoride Applicator TraysAnatomically designed, ensure effective fluoride treatmentN/AN/AN/A

Table 2: Comparison of Fluoride Trays based on Digits and Numbers

Product NamePrice (USD)Average Rating (out of 5)Number of ReviewsManufacturer
Topex Dual-Arch Disposable Fluoride Trays35.994.73Sultan Healthcare Inc
Oral-B Centwins Disposable Fluoride Applicator Trays25.594.73Young Dental Manufacturing
Denti-Care Fluoride Trays – Hinged Dual Arch29.994.52AMD Medicom Inc
NUPRO Dual-Arch Hinged Fluoride Tray33.994.73Dentsply Professional
Oral-B Centrays22.894.85Young Dental Manufacturing
Denti-Care Fluoride Trays – Single Arch24.994.45AMD Medicom Inc
Dual Arch Fluoride Trays39.994.65Buffalo Dental
Topex Single Arch Disposable Fluoride Trays34.994.910Sultan Healthcare Inc
Discovery Trays – Double-Hinged43.994.84Kerr Totalcare
Fluoride Applicator Trays29.994.52Sunstar Americas

Top 10 Professional In-Office Fluoride Gels

1. Topex® Dual-Arch Disposable Fluoride Trays

Topex® dual-arch disposable fluoride trays, 50/pkg - sultan healthcare inc

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Topex® Dual-Arch Disposable Fluoride Trays are impression trays that offer detailed occlusal anatomy on the biting surface, forcing gel to contact interproximal regions for total vertical coverage.

  • Deep distal dam, prevents fluoride overflow, eliminates gagging and ingestion
  • Locking handle, trouble-free placement and removal
  • 4 color-coded accurate sizes, easy identification for all your patient’s needs

Top 10 Fluoride Varnishes for Dentistry

2. Oral-B® Centwins™ Disposable Fluoride Applicator Trays

Oral-b® centwins™ disposable fluoride applicator trays, 50/pkg - young dental manufacturing

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Oral-B® Centwins™ are disposable dual-arch applicator trays used for fluoride treatment applications.

  • Naturally contoured fit
  • Deep distal dam and high walls inhibit overflow
  • Stable foam design keeps fluoride in the tray and moisture out
  • Anatomical contours force fluoride into contact with all tooth surfaces
  • Closed-cell foam prevents fluoride absorption

Top 10 Furnace Trays and Pillows in Dentistry

3. Denti-Care Fluoride Trays – Hinged Dual Arch, Disposable

Denti-care fluoride trays – hinged dual arch, disposable, 50/pkg - amd medicom inc

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These hinged dual arch Fluoride Trays are comfortable-fit foam trays used for fluoride treatments. Created with a typodont design, these trays reduce overflow and provide even coverage of fluoride to all surfaces.

  • Easy, removable tabs for fast and simple cleanup
  • Color-coded sizes: small (yellow), medium (white), large (blue)

4. NUPRO® Dual-Arch Hinged Fluoride Tray

Nupro® dual-arch hinged fluoride tray, 50/pkg - dentsply professional

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NUPRO® Fluoride Trays from Dentsply

  • Anatomically designed for superior performance
  • Soft material to bite against
  • Color-coded for sizes

5. Oral-B® Centrays® – Young Dental Manufacturing

Oral-b® centrays®, 100/pkg - young dental manufacturing

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Oral-B® Centrays® are fluoride applicator trays designed with a contoured fit.

  • Stable, non-flimsy foam design keeps fluoride in the tray and moisture out
  • Deep distal dam and high walls improve patient comfort and inhibit overflow
  • Anatomical contours force fluoride into contact with all tooth surfaces
  • Closed cell foam precludes fluoride absorption into the tray
  • Rounded arch and smooth ridge provide a natural fit and comfort
  • Hide-a-hinge folds out of the way to help prevent gag reflex

6. Denti-Care Fluoride Trays – Single Arch, Disposable

Denti-care fluoride trays – single arch, disposable, 100/pkg - amd medicom inc

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These single Fluoride Trays are comfortable-fit foam trays used for fluoride treatments. Created with a typodont design, these trays reduce overflow and provide even fluoride coverage to all surfaces.

  • Provides a more comfortable experience, one arch at a time
  • Ideal for children and patients with a hyperactive gag reflex

7. Dual Arch Fluoride Trays

Dual arch fluoride trays, 100/pkg

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Soft foam, I-beam style Dual Arch Fluoride trays from Buffalo Dental conform comfortably to most arches and require less fluoride than other trays.

  • Versatile 5″ long trays can be easily trimmed to the desired length
  • Treat both arches simultaneously

8. Topex® Single Arch Disposable Fluoride Trays

Topex® single arch disposable fluoride trays, 100/pkg - sultan healthcare inc

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Topex® Single Arch Disposable Fluoride Trays have detailed occlusal anatomy on the biting surface, which forces fluoride gel to contact interproximal regions for total vertical coverage.

  • Color-coded with arch ID for easy identification and placement
  • White upper tray includes U on handle, blue lower trays include L on the handle
  • Deep distal dam, prevents fluoride overflow, eliminates gagging and ingestion
  • Contains 50 upper trays and 50 lower trays

9. Discovery Trays™ – Double-Hinged – Kerr Totalcare

Discovery trays™ – double-hinged, 100/pkg - kerr totalcare

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Discovery Trays™ from Kerr are patented disposable trays for topical fluoride application and are designed for greater patient fit and comfort. The foam matrix ensures total fluoride coverage to all tooth surfaces without a separate insert. The tray construction permits simultaneous fluoride application to both maxillary and mandibular arches.

  • Bonded dual foam inserts force fluoride interproximally
  • Four sizes provide excellent fit even for small children
  • Color-coded foam makes it easy to distinguish sizes
  • Handles allow for easy placement and removal
  • Hinged design allows for the simultaneous placement of both arches at once

10. Sunstar Americas’ Fluoride Applicator Trays

Sunstar americas’ fluoride applicator trays

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Sunstar Americas’ Fluoride Applicator Trays are anatomically designed for a comfortable fit and ensure effective fluoride treatments. The trays force gel and foam to flow over the entire tooth surface.

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