Top 10 Elevator & Periotome Kits in Dentistry

-- Dental Country Editors


Elevator kits contain various dental instruments needed to loosen and elevate the teeth in their sockets prior to extraction in order to create space and prevent trauma to adjacent teeth and tissues. Elevators have working ends with thin, sharp blades that are used to cut periodontal ligaments and loosen tissue from bone. The shank may be straight or angled in order to access specific areas of the mouth. Periotome kits contain various dental instruments used to cut periodontal ligaments for atraumatic tooth extractions and dental implant placement. They have thin, sharp blades to facilitate the removal of teeth with minimal damage to the surrounding alveolar bone.

Comparison Table 1: Comparison of Numbers for Top 10 Elevator & Periotome Kits

Kit NameNumber of PiecesKit TypeManufacturer NamePrice
Surgical Elevators, Luxating Elevators Kit5LuxatingHu-Friedy Mfg Co. Inc.$648.99
Black Line Microsurgical Kit12SurgicalHU-FRIEDY$2,179.99
The Original Luxator® Extractor – Starter Kit4LuxatingDirecta Inc$423.99
Empower Surgical Instrument Kit12SurgicalTBS DENTAL$3,420.99
Microsurgical Kit11SurgicalHU-FRIEDY$2,300.99
Black Line Luxating Hybrid Kit7SurgicalHU-FRIEDY$1,530.99
Extraction Kit14SurgicalHU-FRIEDY$2,990.99
Bone Grafting Kit with Cassette10Bone GraftingTBS DENTAL$1,799.99
Elvatome® Kit with Cassette6TBS DENTAL$856.99
3D Surgical Instrument Kit20TBS DENTAL$5,200.99

Comparison Table 2: Comparison of Key Features for Top 10 Elevator & Periotome Kits

Kit NameKit TypeManufacturer NameKey Features
Surgical Elevators, Luxating Elevators KitLuxatingHu-Friedy Mfg Co. Inc.Contains 4 elevators and 1 sharpening stone; Elevators have thin, sharp blades used to cut periodontal ligaments and loosen teeth
Black Line Microsurgical KitSurgicalHU-FRIEDYProvides popular instruments for various surgical procedures; Includes a cassette for sterilization and storage
The Original Luxator® Extractor – Starter KitLuxatingDirecta IncThe Luxator® Instrument is designed to compress the alveolar, cut the membrane, and gently ease the tooth from its socket with minimal force and tissue damage
Empower Surgical Instrument KitSurgicalTBS DENTALCustom designed by dental experts to simplify extraction and bone grafting procedures
Microsurgical KitSurgicalHU-FRIEDYProvides popular instruments for various surgical procedures; Includes a cassette for sterilization and storage
Black Line Luxating Hybrid KitSurgicalHU-FRIEDYProvides various black line luxating hybrids for popular surgical procedures
Extraction KitSurgicalHU-FRIEDYProvides popular instruments for various surgical procedures; Includes a cassette for sterilization and storage
Bone Grafting Kit with CassetteBone GraftingTBS DENTALUniquely designed for bone grafting placements; Includes a cassette for sterilization and storage
Elvatome® Kit with CassetteTBS DENTALThe Elvatome® is designed to cut the periodontal lig

Top 10 Dental Elevators

1. Luxating Elevators Kit

Surgical elevators, luxating elevators kit

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The Hu-Friedy surgical elevators have thin, sharp blades that are used to cut periodontal ligaments and loosen teeth. The luxating elevator is used by rocking and cutting versus an elevator that lifts and pries. Luxating elevators reduce putting pressure on adjacent teeth.

Contains: 4 elevators, 1 of each: 3 mm curved, 3 mm straight, 5 mm curved, 5 mm straight; 1 sharpening stone
Kit Type: Luxating
Manufacturer Name: Hu-Friedy Mfg Co. Inc.
Number of Pieces: 5
Package Quantity: 1/Pkg

Top 10 Periotomes in Dentistry

2. Black Line Microsurgical Kit

Black line microsurgical kit

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Black Line Microsurgical Kit is a surgical procedural kit that provides a compilation of pre-set, popular instruments for various surgical procedures.

Contains: 1 (# 7) mini scalpel blade holder (10-130-70), 1 (13K/13KL) DE surgical chisel with # 9 handle (S13K/13KL9), 1 (36/37) back-action DE chisel with # 9 handle (C36/379), 1 precision dressing forceps (8-905DD), 1 Cortellini straight Castroviejo perma sharp needle holder (NH5024CORT), 1 Castro black line microsurgical scissors (SPVX), 1 (12-piece) IMS ®Infinity Series™ instrument cassette in gray (IMN4121), 1 UNC color-coded probe with # 6 satin steel handle (PCPUNC156), 1 (# 5) FS CS single polybag mouth mirror (MIR5) and 1 (# 6) cone socket single end mirror handle (MH6)
Kit Type: Surgical
Manufacturer Name: HU-FRIEDY

Top 10 Cheek & Lip Retractors & Expanders in Dentistry

3. The Original Luxator® Extractor Kit

The original luxator® extractor – starter kit

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The Directa Dental Luxator® Instrument is a specially designed periodontal ligament knife with a fine tapered blade that compresses the alveolar, cuts the membrane, and gently eases the tooth from its socket, reducing damage to surrounding tissue and keeping a better anatomy for an implant site. The Luxator® Instruments are used by cutting and rocking instead of the traditional elevating methods of lifting and prying. The rigid thin blade of the Luxator® has been inserted into the periodontium two-thirds the length of the root, allowing the final loosening and removal of the tooth to be performed with a minimal amount of force. The result is a clean extraction with little tissue damage and less post-operative bleeding and pain.

  • Ergonomically designed extractor
  • Available in 14 variations
  • Autoclavable
  • Can be sterilized by dry heat

Contains: 4 extractors, 1 of each: 3 mm curved, 3 mm straight, 5 mm curved, 5 mm straight; 1 sharpening stone
Kit Type: Luxating
Manufacturer Name: Directa Inc
Number of Pieces: 4
Package Quantity: 1/Pkg

4. Empower Surgical Instrument Kit

Empower surgical instrument kit

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Empower Surgical Instrument Kit features an innovative variety of instruments custom designed by Dr. Mona Patel and Dr. Kristine Aadland to simplify extraction and bone grafting procedures.

  • Thoughtfully selected variety
  • Sterilizable cassette

Contains: 1 straight Elvatome®, 1 bone plugger/Prichard retractor, 1 modified explorer probe, 1 small serrated curette, 1 Adson tissue forceps, 1 perforated molt, 1 Castro X surgical scissors, 1 Castro X needle holder, 1 PUSH scalpel handle, 1 mirror handle with a ruler, 1 mini surgery bowl and 1 cassette
Kit Type: Surgical
Manufacturer Name: TBS DENTAL
Number of Pieces: 12

5. Microsurgical Kit

Microsurgical kit

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Microsurgical Kit is a surgical procedural kit that provides a compilation of pre-set, popular instruments for various surgical procedures.

Contains: 1 (# 7) mini scalpel blade holder (10-130-70), 1 (13K/13KL) DE surgical chisel (S13K/13KL6), 1 (36/37) back-action DE chisel (C36/376), 1 precision dressing forceps (8-905DD), 1 Cortellini straight Castroviejo perma sharp needle holder (NH5024CORT), 1 Buser periosteal elevator with satin steel handle (PPBUSER6), 1 Castro curved microsurgical scissors (SPV), 1 (12-piece) IMS® Infinity Series™ instrument cassette in red (IM8120), 1 UNC color-coded probe with # 6 satin steel handle (PCPUNC156), 1 (# 5) FS CS single polybag mouth mirror (MIR5) and 1 (# 6) cone socket single end mirror handle (MH6)
Kit Type: Surgical
Manufacturer Name: HU-FRIEDY

6. Black Line Luxating Hybrid Kit

Black line luxating hybrid kit

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Black Line Luxating Hybrid Kit is a surgical procedural kit that provides a compilation of pre-set, popular instruments for various surgical procedures.

Contains: 6 black line luxating hybrids, 1 of each: straight spade (EPTSSPX), small straight (EPTSMSX), small curved (EPTSMCX), small distal (EPTSMDX), small mesial (EPTSMMX), large distal (EPTLGDX), large mesial (EPTLGMX); 1 (8-piece) IMS® Infinity Series™ small instrument cassette in gray (IMN5081)
Kit Type: Surgical
Manufacturer Name: HU-FRIEDY

7. Extraction Kit

Extraction kit

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Extraction Kit is a surgical procedural kit that provides a compilation of pre-set, popular instruments for various surgical procedures.

Contains: 1 (# 5) round straight scalpel handle (10-130-05), 1 (9 Molt) periosteal elevator (P96), 1 (# 301) Apexo elevator (E301), 1 (# 34S) Seldin straight elevator (E34S), 1 straight spade luxating hybrid elevator (EPTSSP), 1 Mayo-Hegar needle holder (NHMH), 1 (# 150) apical forceps (FAF150), 1 (# 151) apical forceps (FAF151), 1 (# 16) Goldman-Fox scissors (S16), 1 (# 86) Lucas DE surgical curette with # 6 handle (CL866), 1 (# 2X) Miller-Colburn bone file (BF2X6), 1 (13/14) Heidbrink DE root pick (EHB13/146), 1 Friedman rongeurs (RF) and 1 Statim in lavender (IM8126LP)
Kit Type: Surgical
Manufacturer Name: HU-FRIEDY
Number of Pieces: 14

8. Bone Grafting Kit with Cassette

Bone grafting kit with cassette

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The Bone Grafting Kit is uniquely designed for use in bone grafting placements. It includes a cassette for a convenient and effective way to sterilize and store instruments.

Contains: 1 cassette, 1 perforated periosteal elevator, 1 tissue retractor, 1 bone packer/plugger, 1 (3 mm) bone grafting syringe, 1 mini surgery bowl, 1 bone scooper/packer, 1 tissue forceps, 1 Perry forceps and 1 (2/4) Molt
Kit Type: Bone Grafting
Manufacturer Name: TBS DENTAL
Number of Pieces: 10

9. Elvatome® Kit with Cassette

Elvatome® kit with cassette

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Elvatome® is a cross between an elevator and a periotome. They are used to cut the periodontal ligament during an atraumatic extraction.

  • Spade fine, sharp point
  • Sturdy instruments

Contains: 5 elvatomes®, 1 of each type: straight spade, distally angled spade, mesially angled spade, right-angled spade, left angled spade; and 1 cassette
Manufacturer Name: TBS DENTAL
Number of Pieces: 5

10. 3D Surgical Instrument Kit

3d surgical instrument kit

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3D Surgical Instrument Kit features a variety of instruments custom designed by Dr. Tarun Agarwal to simplify over 90% of surgical procedures done in general dental practice.

  • Allows single setup
  • Grows with practice over time

Contains: 2 elevators, 1 of each: Buser and apical; 2 retractors, 1 of each: Minnesota and Prichard perforated; 2 FRINGS extracting forceps, 1 of each: # 150 and # 151; 1 small serrated curette; 1 mini FRINGS rongeur; 1 straight Elvatome®; 1 modified explorer probe; 1 Perry forceps; 1 bone packer/plugger; 1 Castro X surgical scissors; 1 Castro X needle holder; 1 root tip pick; 1 anesthetic syringe; 1 mirror handle with ruler; 1 PUSH scalpel handle; 1 surgery bowl; 1 sterilizable cassette
Latex Free: Yes
Manufacturer Name: TBS DENTAL
Number of Pieces: 20

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