Top 10 Silane Ceramic and Zirconia Repair Kits in Dentistry

-- Dental Country Editors

Monobond Plus Single Component Primer – 5 g Bottle

Comparison Table for Silane Ceramic and Zirconia Repair Kits

Product NameProduct DescriptionApplicationPackagingFeatures
Monobond Plus Single Component Primer – 5 g BottleSingle component primer for adhesive bond between luting composites and indirect restorative materialsVariolink and Multilink product lines, glass/oxide ceramics, metal, composites, and fiber-reinforced composites5 g bottlePromotes adhesive bond
Silane Bond Enhancer KitSingle component material that increases bond strength of resin cements and composites to porcelainPorcelain surfaces after etching with Porcelain Etch GelKit with syringe dispenserDispenses one drop at a time
Silane Primer – 5 ml BottlePrimer applied to the fitting surface of metal-free restorations prior to bondingMetal-free restorations5 ml bottleEnhances bond strength
Clearfil® Ceramic PrimerSurface treatment for prosthetic restorations made of ceramic, hybrid ceramics, composite resin, or metalCeramic, hybrid ceramics, composite resin, or metalBottleSurface treatment
Calibra® Silane Coupling Agent for Porcelain BondingForms a chemically compatible surface for adhesives and resin luting cements on ceramic restorationsCeramic restorationsSyringe with needle tipEasy and precise placement
RelyX™ Ceramic Primer Bottle Refill, 5 mlSilane-based primer for enhancing bonds to porcelain, ceramic, precured composite, and metal surfacesPorcelain, ceramic, precured composite, and metal surfaces5 ml bottleCan be used for chairside repair
Lute-It® Silane – 3 ml BottleDual-cure resin cementation kit for esthetic applications, used for cementing all-ceramic and all-composite indirect restorationsAll-ceramic and all-composite indirect restorations3 ml bottleVersatile shading, excellent marginal integrity
Porcelain Prep KitAccessory products for enhanced bonding to porcelain surfaces with composites and resin cementsPorcelain surfacesKit with Porcelain Etch Gel, Dry-Rite drying agent, and silane bond enhancerEnhanced bonding to porcelain surfaces
Clearfil® Porcelain Bond ActivatorSilane coupling agent for strong adhesion to porcelain and composite restorationsPorcelain and composite restorationsBottleUsed in combination with other primers/adhesives
Bifix Ceramic Bond – Silane, QuickMix, 5 ml Bottle RefillDual-curing adhesive resin-based luting system for permanent adhesive luting of various restorationsInlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, veneers, pins, and posts5 ml bottle with QuickMix syringeBubble-free mixing, excellent adhesion to various materials

Top 10 Ceramic Miscellaneous Supplies in Dentistry

1. Monobond Plus Single Component Primer – 5 g Bottle

Monobond plus single component primer – 5 g bottle

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Monobond Plus is a single component primer promoting an adhesive bond between luting composites, particularly the Variolink and Multilink product lines, and all indirect restorative materials such as glass/oxide ceramics, metal, composites and fiber-reinforced composites.

Top 10 Pressable Ceramics in Dentistry

2. Silane Bond Enhancer Kit

Silane bond enhancer kit

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Silane Bond Enhancer is a single component material that increases bond strength of resin cements and composites to porcelain. Apply silane to porcelain after etching with Porcelain Etch Gel and drying with Dry-Rite. Conveniently dispenses one drop at a time from the syringe.

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3. Silane Primer – 5 ml Bottle

Silane primer – 5 ml bottle

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Silane Primer is applied to the fitting surface of any metal-free restoration prior to bonding.

4. Clearfil® Ceramic Primer

Clearfil® ceramic primer

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For surface treatment of prosthetic restorations made of ceramic, hybrid ceramics, composite resin or metal.

5. Calibra® Silane Coupling Agent for Porcelain Bonding

Calibra® silane coupling agent for porcelain bonding

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Single-component Calibra™ Silane Coupling Agent, when applied to the etched portion of a ceramic restoration, forms a surface that is chemically compatible with adhesives such as Prime & Bond® NT™ or Prime & Bond® NT™ Dual Cure Nano-Technology Universal Dental Adhesive and resin luting cements such as Calibra™. Convenient syringe and needle tip delivery allows easy, precise placement onto areas to be bonded.

6. RelyX™ Ceramic Primer Bottle Refill, 5 ml

Relyx™ ceramic primer bottle refill, 5 ml

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3M RelyX™ Ceramic Primer is a prehydrolyzed, silane-based primer designed to enhance bonds to porcelain, ceramic, precured composite and metal surfaces.

  • Can be used for chairside repair of damaged ceramic crowns and bridges
  • Must be used with a dental bonding system

7. Lute-It® Silane – 3 ml Bottle

Lute-it® silane – 3 ml bottle

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Lute-It® Luting System is a dual-cure resin cementation kit for esthetic applications. It is designed to be used for cementing all-ceramic and all-composite indirect restorations (veneers, crowns, inlays, onlays) and for intraoral porcelain repair. Lute-It Cementation System contains eight cement shades that are dual cure, radiopaque and fluoride releasing. Each shade has its own matching water soluble try-in paste.

  • Versatile shading with three levels of opacity
  • Optically opaque shades are more natural than conventional cement shades
  • Microparticulate formulation provides excellent long-term marginal integrity
  • A universally shaded catalyst is provided for dual-cure applications
  • Presents a clear shade that is unsurpassable in its clarity

8. Porcelain Prep Kit

Porcelain prep kit

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The Porcelain Prep Kit features Porcelain Etch Gel, Dry-Rite drying agent and silane bond enhancer. State-of-the-art accessory products for enhanced bonding to porcelain surfaces using your preferred composites and resin cements.

9. Clearfil® Porcelain Bond Activator

Clearfil® porcelain bond activator

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Clearfil® Porcelain Bond Activator is a silane coupling agent, which in combination with SE Bond Primer or Clearfil® Liner Bond 2v Primer, Clearfil® New Bond, or Clearfil® Photo Bond guarantees a strong adhesion to porcelain and composite restorations.

10. Bifix Ceramic Bond – Silane, QuickMix, 5 ml Bottle Refill

Bifix ceramic bond – silane, quickmix, 5 ml bottle refill

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Bifix Ceramic Bond is a silane dual-curing adhesive resin-based luting system in QuickMix syringes with small mixing tips that provides permanent adhesive luting of inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, Maryland bridges, veneers, pins and posts.

  • For all materials (ceramic, metal, composite inlays)
  • Bubble-free perfect mixing
  • Direct application
  • Excellent adhesion to dentine, enamel and metals
  • Special one-step Ceramic Bond for optimal adhesion to porcelain
  • Radiopaque

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