Top 10 Glass Ionomer Luting Cement

-- Dental Country Editors


Comparison Table for Glass Ionomer Luting Cement

Dental CementPrimary UseDelivery SystemFluoride ReleaseBond Strength
RelyX™ Luting Plus AutomixMetal crowns, porcelain-fused-to-metalSelf-mixing syringeYesExcellent
GC FujiCEM™ 2 Glass IonomerAll types of indirect restorationsAutomix Paste PakHighSuperior
GC Fuji PLUS™ Luting CementFinal cementation of all types ofEncapsulated automixSustainedOutstanding
Meron Plus QM Resin ReinforcedMetal-based, high-strength all-ceramicPaste-to-paste cementNoHigh
GC Fuji TRIAGE® Glass IonomerFissure protection, hypersensitivityCapsule delivery systemHighStrong fused
Quick Up® Luting MaterialAttachments in full and partialQuickmix syringeNoHigh
Ketac™ Cem RadiopaqueCrowns, bridges, etc.Powder refillYesN/A
RelyX™ Luting CementVarious restorationsPowder and liquidYesN/A
Ketac™ Cem Maxicap™Crowns, bridges, etc.Capsule refillYesN/A
GC FujiCEM™ EvolveZirconia, PFM, etc.Syringe triple packYesN/A

Top 10 Dental Bases & Liners

1. RelyX™ Luting Plus Automix Cement

Top 10 glass ionomer luting cement
Top 10 glass ionomer luting cement

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Relyx™ Luting Plus Automix is a resin-modified glass ionomer cement that is used as a dental adhesive primarily for metal crowns, inlays, and onlays, porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) crowns and bridges, all-alumina or all-zirconia strengthened core ceramic restorations (such as Lava™ or Procera®), final cementation of PFMs, metal crowns, all-alumina, and orthodontic bands and appliances. Automix is a self-mixing syringe delivery system.

  • Automix delivery allows for direct delivery into the crown (no hand mixing)
  • New tack light cure option for faster cleanup of excess cement
  • Sustained fluoride release for caries-prone patients
  • Virtually no post-operative sensitivity

2. GC FujiCEM™ 2 Glass Ionomer

Gc fujicem™ 2 glass ionomer cement refill (automix compatible)

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GC FujiCEM™ 2 is a 2nd generation, resin-modified glass ionomer luting cement indicated for a broad array of indirect restorations, including all types of metal-, resin-, alumina- and zirconia-based inlays, onlays, crowns, and bridges.

  • Resin-modified glass ionomer luting cement powered by F2 Flex Fuse Technology that increases strength properties
  • High fluoride release, low film thickness, and excellent marginal integrity
  • Superior bond strength
  • Automix Paste Pak dispensing system ensures a consistent mix every time
  • NOTE: The ”new” FujiCEM™ 2 white mixing tips are incompatible with the old, pink mixing tip system and vice versa.

3. GC Fuji PLUS™ Luting Cement

Gc fuji plus™ luting cement – capsule package, 48/pkg

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GC Fuji PLUS™ is a resin-reinforced, glass ionomer luting cement designed for the final cementation of metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal, metal-free crowns, bridges, inlays, and onlays. It bonds chemically and mechanically to the tooth structure and all types of core material.

  • Outstanding bond strength to tooth structure
  • Sustained, rechargeable fluoride release
  • Available in a unique, encapsulated automix delivery system
  • Extended working time
  • All the added benefits of a true glass ionomer
  • Clinically insoluble when set
  • Extremely low film thickness
  • Smooth, creamy consistency
  • Excellent biocompatibility
  • Radiopaque

4. Meron Plus QM Resin Reinforced Glass Ionomer

Meron plus qm resin reinforced glass ionomer cement, 8. 5 g syringes - voco

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Meron Plus QM is a paste-to-paste cement that comes in an automix syringe. It is used to cement metal-based and high-strength all-ceramic-based inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges, metal, ceramic, and glass fiber-reinforced posts, and orthodontic bands.

  • Tack cure option allows for easy clean up
  • High bond strength for long-lasting restorations
  • Low water solubility and film thickness
  • Self-adhesive properties remove the need for primer or conditioner

5. GC Fuji TRIAGE® Glass Ionomer Sealant

Gc fuji triage® glass ionomer sealant and surface protection material capsule – 0. 13 ml, 50/pkg - gc america inc

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GC Fuji TRIAGE® is a glass ionomer sealant and surface protection material that requires no isolation or bonding agent. Indications include fissure protection, hypersensitivity control, root surface protection, and intermediate endodontic sealing. The formula works in moist environments and can seal over immature enamel or non-cavitated lesions. Its high-fluoride release creates a strong, acid-resistant fused layer.

  • Strong, acid-resistant fused layer seals and protects tooth enamel
  • Releases fluoride for up to 24 months to help prevent decay from acid and bacteria
  • TRIAGE white is for fully erupted teeth; TRIAGE pink offers a visual indicator that is ideal for newly erupted molars

6. Quick Up® Luting Material

Quick up® luting material – quickmix syringe with tips, 7. 5 g

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Quick Up is a self-cured composite luting material for attachments, such as balls, Locator®, and telescopic anchors in full and partial dentures. It can also be used to reattach secondary elements, such as bar retainers in composite-based dentures.

  • Direct pick-up results in more accuracy compared to the indirect method
  • Gingiva colored
  • Complete system with checking and blocking out silicone – Fit Test C & B
  • Low heat, self-curing material avoids tissue irritations
  • Tasteless and odorless
  • High bond strength to the acrylic denture base
  • Allows pick-up of any attachment

7. Ketac™ Cem Radiopaque

Ketac™ cem radiopaque permanent glass ionomer luting cement powder refill, 33 g bottle

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Ketac™ Cem is a radiopaque permanent cement used for cavity lining and the cementation of crowns, bridges, inlays, posts, screws, and orthodontic bands.

  • Glass ionomer luting cement offers chemical bonds to enamel and dentin
  • Releases fluoride
  • High biocompatibility
  • Extremely low film thickness optimizes fit and marginal integrity
  • Radiopaque

8. RelyX™ Luting Cement

Relyx™ luting cement introductory kit with powder and liquid

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RelyX™ luting cement is a hybrid glass ionomer permanent cement that is fast setting, strong, and easy to use. It is indicated for metal crowns, inlays and onlays, PFM (porcelain fused to metal) crowns and bridges, ceramic restorations, endodontic pins and posts, and orthodontic appliances.

  • Mousse-like consistency allows for easy mixing, loading, and seating
  • Zero solubility provides enhanced marginal integrity
  • High fracture toughness for durability
  • Hybrid glass ionomer offers sustained fluoride release
  • Virtually no post-operative sensitivity for better patient comfort

9. Ketac™ Cem Maxicap™

Ketac™ cem maxicap™ glass ionomer luting cement capsule refill, 50/pkg

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Ketac™ Cem Maxicap™ is a permanent glass ionomer luting cement used for cementing crowns, bridges, inlays, posts, screws, orthodontic bands, and cavity lining. The unique Maxicap capsule delivery system offers fluoride release while its extremely low film thickness optimizes fit and marginal integrity.

10. GC FujiCEM™ Evolve

Gc fujicem™ evolve glass ionomer luting cement triple pack kit, automix

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GC FujiCEM™ Evolve Glass Ionomer Luting Cement is a next-generation RMGI cement with tack cure ability, excellent bond strength to zirconia, and improved radiopacity. It is ideal for the cementation of zirconia, PFM, and lithium disilicate restorations.

  • Syringe delivery provides ergonomics
  • No need for a dispenser
  • Easy, quick cleanup
  • Improved radiopacity for easy visualization on X-rays
  • Shelf life: 24 months

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