Below is the list of top dental implant specialists in the city of Irvine and the surrounding area. The list is based on the data gathered recently. The number of reviews and ratings changes over time. We try our best to review and update constantly.
The methodology that we at Dental Country have used for rating these practices is very unique. We collect a series of data points, you don’t see anywhere else.
A simple 5-star review of a practice does not tell the whole story. An outgoing doctor may have an easier time getting good reviews than a shy one. Also, numbers are very important.
That’ is why we have created a new index we call The Review Reliability Index (RRI). The formula allows a more accurate reflection of the reviews and their trustworthiness. For example, if you have 40 reviews at 4.5 starts, that has a much higher RRI than 11 reviews at 5 stars.
We hope this is a helpful list. Contact us with suggestions and corrections if you see any errors.
The Best 5 Dental Implant Dentists in the City of Irvine, CA
- Dr. John Smith
- Dr. John Smith
- Dr. John Smith
- Dr. John Smith
- Dr. John Smith
Dr. Fay Mansouri | 10-20 YRS | ADVANCED | 4.4 | 122 | 230 |
Dr. Fay Mansouri | UNDER 10 YRS | BASIC | 4.9 | 67 | 188 |
Dr. Fay Mansouri | OVER 20 YRS | AVERAGE | 3.2 | 56 | 172 |
Dr. Fay Mansouri | UNDER 10 YRS | BASIC | N/A | N/A | 77 |
1. Dr. John Smith

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The average years in practice estimated based on the data available, including the history of the practice, the age of the doctors, and the year of graduation. In the case of group practices, the most senior dentist’s experience is reflected
The information is based on data available online and in the practice’s advertisement, documents, images, social media, and other public sources.
The average is calculated based on the top two review sources with the highest number of reviews. The weight is calculated based on the total numbers as well. The most common sources are Google and Yelp.
Review Reliability Score is an index developed by the Dental Country team to provide a more balanced, fair and accurate data point when it comes to reviews. The index shows how trustworthy the rating is as the higher number of reviews, get a higher weight in the score.
DC Score or Dental Country Total Score is based on a proprietary formula that counts all the factors above along with a few other data points available publically. The score alone is not an indication of superior capability by one doctor, but, is another tool along with other sources that can be helpful in decision making. The DC Score currently is the most comprehensive and accurate reflection of a practice overall rating based on a combination of all public data available.
All the data is reviewed periodically and will change over time.