Top 5 Dentists in Salinas CA

-- Dental Country Editors

Salinas CA 3

Best general dentists in Salinas, CA

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the general dentists’ market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

Practice NameGoogle RatingsGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingYelp ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. Salinas Valley Dental Care4.97814.5127908
2. NEXT Dentistry4.9420526446
3. Blanco Circle Dental Care4.7196432228
4. Ross Family Dental4.91544.530184
5. ACCU Dental – All on Four4.4106321127


  • The table compares the ratings and reviews of five dental practices in Salinas, California.
  • Salinas Valley Dental Care has the highest number of reviews on Google, while NEXT Dentistry has the highest Yelp rating.
  • Salinas Valley Dental Care and Ross Family Dental have the same Google rating of 4.9.
  • Blanco Circle Dental Care has the lowest Yelp rating at 4, and ACCU Dental has the lowest overall rating on both platforms.
  • Overall, Salinas Valley Dental Care seems to have the highest number of reviews and positive ratings.

Top 5 Oral Surgeons in Salinas CA

1. Salinas Valley Dental Care

The screenshot of salinas valley dental care salinasvalleydentalcare. Com website
1211 S Main St,
Salinas, CA 93901

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Our patients deserve the best dental care. We use the highest rated materials and the most effective techniques to ensure that the work we deliver remains comfortable and beautiful for years to come. We stand behind our work and guarantee its longevity for all of our active patients.

Top 5 Periodontists in Salinas CA

2. NEXT Dentistry

The screenshot of next dentistrynextdentistry. Com dr. Delwin hemingway website
110 Harden Pkwy #102,
Salinas, CA 93906

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At NEXT Dentistry, we put you and your dental needs first. Dr. Delwin Hemingway and his associates are dedicated to delivering the highest quality of comprehensive dental care for you and your family. In our Salinas dentist office, we offer varying dental treatments and procedures in an environment where you can feel secure and comfortable.

3. Blanco Circle Dental Care

The screenshot of blanco circle dental care salinasdental. Com website
935 Blanco Cir,
Salinas, CA 93901

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Blanco Circle Dental Group provides high-quality general and family dentistry for patients of all ages in Salinas and its neighboring cities. Our doctors take a holistic approach when treating you and your family’s dental needs. We also perform a number of restorative general dentistry procedures, like root canals, tooth-colored crowns and fillings, dental implants, and crown and bridgework.

4. Ross Family Dental

The screenshot of ross family dental salinasdds. Com dr. Steven ross website
750 E Romie Ln Suite A,
Salinas, CA 93901

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Dr. Steven Ross and our team are excited to treat patients of all ages at Ross Family Dental. We are committed to providing you and your family with all the dental care you need to reach a healthier smile. To accomplish this, our dentist offers general and family dentistry in Salinas, California. General and family dentistry includes a number of services whose purpose is to help you and your family achieve healthy smiles.

5. ACCU Dental – All on Four Dental Implants & General Dentistry and Dental Specialty

The screenshot of accu dental - all on four dental implants & general dentistry and dental specialty accu-dental. Com/salinas#salinas website
929 N Main St,
Salinas, CA 93906

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Accu Dental, our expert team of General and Specialty dentists is equipped to deal with all sorts of dental problems. In addition to general dentists, we have a world-class periodontist to treat the gum disease, Oral Surgeons for treating simple to complex tooth extractions with bone-grafts, Endodontists for root canal therapies to rid the tooth of painful infection and Orthodontists to straighten your teeth with metal and ceramic braces.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.