Top 5 Endodontists in Elk Grove CA

-- Dental Country Editors

Elk Grove, CA 6

Best root canal specialists in Elk Grove, CA

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the endodontist’s market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Dental PracticeGoogle RatingGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingYelp ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. Sacramento Valley Dental Specialists4.9756589845
2. Endodontic Associates Dental Group4.4434.54992
3. Laguna Endodontics544.52226
4. Dr. Loc Tran Elk Grove Endodontics4.53535


  • The table compares four dental practices based on their Google and Yelp ratings and reviews, along with the total number of reviews. Sacramento Valley Dental Specialists have the highest total reviews (845), with a 4.9 Google rating and 5 Yelp rating.
  • Endodontic Associates Dental Group, with 92 total reviews, have the lowest rating of the four with a 4.4 Google rating and a 4.5 Yelp rating.
  • Laguna Endodontics, with 26 total reviews, have a perfect 5 Google rating and a 4.5 Yelp rating. Dr. Loc Tran Elk Grove Endodontics has a 4.5 Yelp rating and 35 total reviews.
  • Overall, Sacramento Valley Dental Specialists have the highest total reviews and the highest Google and Yelp ratings, while Endodontic Associates Dental Group has the lowest ratings of the four.

Top 5 Dentists in Elk Grove CA

1. Sacramento Valley Dental Specialists

The screenshot of sacramento valley dental specialists website
9323 Laguna Springs Dr #100,
Elk Grove, CA 95758

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Sacramento Valley Dental Specialists, we pride ourselves on a collaborative environment offering endodontics and oral surgery under one roof. Our beautifully designed offices are equipped with the most advanced technology in the industry including digital radiography, surgical microscopes, and cone beam CT. 

Top 5 Cosmetic Dentists in Elk Grove CA

2. Endodontic Associates Dental Group

The screenshot of endodontic associates dental group dr. Katherine shi website
9309 Office Park Cir #100,
Elk Grove, CA 95758

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Endodontic Associates Dental Group is pleased to formally welcome Katherine J. Shi, DMD, to our endodontic team. Dr. Shi joined our team this fall and has been quick to learn our office culture and procedures, mesh with our Endo team and, most importantly, provide endodontic care to patients with the same excellence and attention to personalized care that is exemplified in our practice mission.

3. Laguna Endodontics

The screenshot of laguna endodontics dr. Hung k. Do website
9561 Laguna Springs Dr #100,
Elk Grove, CA 95758

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Laguna Endodontics, our main focus is to save your natural teeth from extraction. Our team of dental professionals continually strives to provide you with the highest quality patient care using the latest technologies, endodontic equipment, and procedures available, to minimize your treatment time and maximize your comfort.

4. Dr. Loc Tran Elk Grove Endodontics

The screenshot of dr. Loc tran elk grove endodontics website
9381 E Stockton Blvd STE 110,
Elk Grove, CA 95624

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Dr. Loc Tran is committed in providing dental patients with the highest level of care in root canal therapy by utilizing the latest proven technological advances in the field of endodontics. Dr. Tran has been practicing endodontics in Stockton, California , at Delta Endodontics.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.