Top 5 Endodontists in Chicago IL

-- Dental Country Editors

Skyscrapers of Chicago

Best root canal specialists in Chicago, IL

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the endodontist’s market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

The table below compares five different dental practices in Chicago based on their Google ratings, Google reviews, Yelp rating, Yelp reviews, and total reviews.

Practice NameGoogle RatingNumber of Google ReviewsYelp RatingNumber of Yelp ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. South Loop Dental Specialists4.84134.5103516
2. Renovo Endodontic Studio52504.521271
3. Advanced Endodontics of Chicago – Downtown4.970565135
4. Lakeview Endodontics4.757562119
5. Bucktown Endodontics4.9424.559101


  • Based on the data, Renovo Endodontic Studio has the highest Google rating and total number of reviews with 5 and 271, respectively.
  • Advanced Endodontics of Chicago – Downtown has the highest Yelp rating with 5 and a total of 135 reviews.
  • South Loop Dental Specialists has the highest number of Google reviews with 413, followed by Renovo Endodontic Studio with 250 reviews.
  • Lakeview Endodontics and Bucktown Endodontics have similar ratings and review numbers on both Google and Yelp.
  • Overall, while all five dental practices have high ratings, Renovo Endodontic Studio has the highest rating and total number of reviews on Google, while Advanced Endodontics of Chicago – Downtown has the highest Yelp rating and total reviews.

Top 5 Orthodontists in Chicago IL

1. South Loop Dental Specialists

The screenshot of south loop dental specialists website
850 S Wabash Ave #240,
Chicago, IL 60605

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Dental Specialists of South Loop is pleased to provide periodontal and endodontic services to all of Chicagoland. Periodontist Dr. Olguin and endodontists Dr. Flowers and Dr. Kaushik strive to always offer the best treatment for their patients.

Top 5 Periodontists in Chicago IL

2. Renovo Endodontic Studio

The screenshot of renovo endodontic studio website
2125 W Roscoe St Unit 2,
Chicago, IL 60618

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Renovo Endodontic Studio We pride ourselves on providing the best care possible to our patients. Whether that’s from our helpful scheduling staff or our skilled assistants or endodontists, we’re here to provide you with excellent care.

3. Advanced Endodontics of Chicago – Downtown

The screenshot of advanced endodontics of chicago - downtown website
111 N Wabash Ave Suite 1517,
Chicago, IL 60602

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Here at Advanced Endodontics of Chicago We deliver pain-free, compassionate endodontic care that patients and referring colleagues can trust – every appointment, every location, every day. Our endodontic specialists and professional staff are committed to your comfort, safety and peace of mind.

4. Lakeview Endodontics

The screenshot of lakeview endodontics website
3555 N Ashland Ave,
Chicago, IL 60657

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Lakeview Endodontics, it is our priority to make root canal therapy a smooth and comfortable experience. Our office was designed to be reminiscent of a spa, utilizing a relaxing ambiance in order to put our patients at ease.

5. Bucktown Endodontics

The screenshot of bucktown endodontics website
2300 W Armitage Ave,
Chicago, IL 60647

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Root canal therapy and dental implants are two very different procedures. Our doctors at Bucktown Endodontics are uniquely trained to help you decide if saving your tooth or replacing it is a better option. Our dental office works in collaboration with your general dentist to help determine the right course of treatment for you.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.