Top 5 Dentists in Wheaton IL

-- Dental Country Editors

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Best dentists in Wheaton, IL

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the general dentists’ market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

Practice NameGoogle RatingGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingFacebook Rating Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. Dental Professionals of Wheaton4.9785179
2. Bauer Dentistry and Orthodontics59884331021
3. Grove Dental Associates4.7378326404
4. The Dental Studio5300531331
5. Shining Smiles Dentistry – Wheaton4.82573.55262


  • Bauer Dentistry and Orthodontics has the highest total reviews with 1021, and also boasts a high Google rating of 5. They have a significant number of Google reviews.
  • The Dental Studio has a high total review count of 331, with a perfect Google rating of 5. They also have a good Yelp rating.
  • Dental Professionals of Wheaton has a moderate total review count of 79, with a Google rating of 4.9. They have a high Facebook rating.
  • Shining Smiles Dentistry – Wheaton has a total review count of 262, with a solid Google rating of 4.8. They also have a decent Yelp rating.
  • Grove Dental Associates has a total review count of 404, with a Google rating of 4.7. They have a moderate Yelp rating.

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1. Dental Professionals of Wheaton

Bartonbruntjendds site screenshot
400 S County Farm Rd STE 210,

Wheaton, IL 60187

Google Rate Number of ReviewsFacebook Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews

At Dental Professionals of Wheaton, we hold a firm belief in the value of time spent with our patients, placing their comfort as our utmost priority. We are dedicated to ensuring that our patients are well-informed about all procedures and treatments, going above and beyond to provide comprehensive knowledge. Furthermore, we maintain consistent follow-up to ensure their well-being long after their visits.

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2. Bauer Dentistry and Orthodontics

Bauersmiles. Com screenshot
623 S Naperville Rd,

Wheaton, IL 60187

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews

Bauer Dentistry and Orthodontics is committed to meeting the dental and orthodontic requirements of your entire family throughout their lifetime. We firmly believe that outstanding dental care begins with fostering genuine relationships. Our dedicated team is here to serve you.

3. Grove Dental Associates

Grovedental. Com_dentist-wheaton screenshot
1938, 55 E Loop Rd #201,

Wheaton, IL 60189

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews

Grove Dental is a nearby dental office that specializes in multiple areas, offering a comprehensive range of services. Whether it’s your children’s regular checkups, oral surgery, gum therapies, or natural-looking implants, we have you covered. Our team consists of dedicated dentists and specialists with extensive combined experience spanning hundreds of years.

4. The Dental Studio

Thedentalstudio. Com screenshot
1425 N Main St,

Wheaton, IL 60187

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews

Situated on Main Street, a short distance north of downtown Wheaton, The Dental Studio is a friendly and inviting family dental practice that combines modern elements. Our objective is to provide you with a refreshing experience that might make you momentarily forget you are at the dentist. Our focus is entirely on catering to your needs and prioritizing your overall health.

5. Shining Smiles Dentistry – Wheaton

Shiningsmiles. Com_locations_wheaton-il-office screenshot
225 Rice Lake Square,

Wheaton, IL 60189

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.82573.5 5262

At Shining Smiles Wheaton, we prioritize the comfort and relaxation of our patients, going the extra mile to ensure their well-being. Our welcoming approach extends to patients of all ages, and we are renowned for our thorough explanations and transparent dental care. Experience a truly enjoyable time at the dentist with us!

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.