Top 5 Dentists in Fredericksburg VA

-- Dental Country Editors

Fredericksburg, VA image

Best dentists in Fredericksburg, VA

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the general dentists’ market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

PracticeGoogle RateNumber of ReviewsYelp RateNumber of ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. Advantage Dental4.820843211
2. Neibauer Dental Care4.5847226873
3. Let’s Smile Dental – Fredericksburg4.6649431680
4. Serene Smiles of Fredericksburg4.94394.59448
5. Lloyd Moss, DDS4.9436415451


  • Advantage Dental has a high Google rating and a moderate Yelp rating, with a total of 211 reviews.
  • Neibauer Dental Care has a lower Google rating and a lower Yelp rating compared to other practices, with a total of 873 reviews.
  • Let’s Smile Dental – Fredericksburg has a good Google rating and a moderate Yelp rating, with a total of 680 reviews.
  • Serene Smiles of Fredericksburg has a high Google rating and a good Yelp rating, with a total of 448 reviews.
  • Lloyd Moss, DDS has a high Google rating and a moderate Yelp rating, with a total of 451 reviews.

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Feature Practice

Lake Plaza Moore AMS PLLC

Lakeplazadental. Com screenshot
36101 Goodwin Dr,
Locust Grove, VA 22508

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
3.6342.5 337

At Lake Plaza Dental, we appreciate your decision to entrust us with your oral health requirements. Our goal is to surpass your expectations during every interaction with our office and staff. Recognizing that patients have multiple options when it comes to choosing a dentist in the area, we strive to provide the same level of dental care and compassion that we would desire for our own loved ones.

Top 5 Dentists in Johns Creek GA

1. Advantage Dental

Advantagedentalva. Com screenshot
560 Celebrate Virginia Pkwy #107
Fredericksburg, VA 22406

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews

At Advantage Dental, we understand the significance of quality dental care and convenience as essential services for everyone. That’s why we provide a reliable and talented dental team, equipped with experience, knowledge, and modern technology, to deliver uncompromising quality dental care. Trust us to meet your oral health needs with utmost proficiency and convenience.

2. Neibauer Dental Care

Neibauerdentalharrisoncrossing. Com screenshot
5630 Plank Rd,
Fredericksburg, VA 22407

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews

Neibauer Dental Care prioritizes our patients’ comfort and satisfaction, reflected in the thoughtful design of our office. Our serene atmosphere, coupled with cutting-edge technology, ensures that every patient receives the highest level of dental care they require and deserve. We strive to create a welcoming environment where your oral health needs are met with the utmost professionalism and care.

3. Let’s Smile Dental – Fredericksburg

Letssmile. Com_fredericksburg screenshot
10 Chatham Heights Rd,
Fredericksburg, VA 22405

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews

Let’s Smile Dental in Fredericksburg, VA, stands out as the preferred choice of our patients due to our unwavering drive, passion, compassion, and commitment to excellence in both performance and patient satisfaction. Our exceptional abilities have earned us a reputation that sets us apart in the dental industry.

4. Serene Smiles of Fredericksburg

Myserenesmiles. Com screenshot
433 Bridgewater St,
Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.94394.5 9448

When seeking assistance in achieving and preserving a radiant smile, Serene Smiles is the trusted choice. We are dedicated to providing the exceptional care you deserve, offering the finest dental services in the region. Our commitment extends to delivering innovative dental treatments that inspire confidence and leave you smiling with pride.

5. Lloyd Moss, DDS

Drlfmoss. Com screenshot
410 Pelham St,
Fredericksburg, VA 22401

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.9436415 451

With great pride, Drs. Lloyd F. Moss Jr. and Lloyd F. Moss III offer a wide range of comprehensive, preventive, and aesthetically focused restorative solutions at their esteemed dental clinic. As a cherished family-owned and operated practice, they have been delivering exceptional dental care to the Fredericksburg, Virginia community for more than four decades.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.