Top 5 Cosmetic Dentists in San Diego CA

-- Dental Country Editors

Section San Diego California Downtown City Skyline Waterfront

Best cosmetic dental specialists in San Diego, CA

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the cosmetic dentist’s market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

Practice NameGoogle RatingsGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingYelp ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. Mesa Dental4.94314.5378809
2. David Eshom, DDS4.93444.5168512
3. Scripps Family & Cosmetic Dentistry4.93084.558366
4. Aesthetic Dentistry, Martin P. Abelar DDS5.01774.539216
5. Pearl Cosmetic and Family Dentistry4.81424.5113255


  • All five practices specialize in cosmetic dentistry, offering services such as whitening, veneers, and smile makeovers. Mesa Dental has the highest total number of reviews, while Aesthetic Dentistry has the highest Google rating.
  • Scripps Family & Cosmetic Dentistry has the fewest reviews on both Google and Yelp. Pearl Cosmetic and Family Dentistry promotes the use of non-toxic dental materials, emphasizing holistic dentistry.
  • Overall, each practice has its unique strengths and focuses, and patients may choose based on their specific needs and preferences.

Top 5 Oral Surgeons in San Diego CA

1. Mesa Dental

The screenshot of mesa dental website
7625 Mesa College Dr #100,
San Diego, CA 92111

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Our experienced cosmetic dentists at Mesa Dental know how to give you that smile that you can confidently show off to the world. We specialize in cosmetic dentistry where we serve patients in and around the San Diego area.

Top 5 Pediatric Dentists in San Diego CA

2. David Eshom, DDS
8899 University Center Ln #245,
San Diego, CA 92122

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

As a cosmetic dentist, Dr. Eshom provides minimally invasive full smile makeovers, various professional teeth-whitening systems, porcelain veneers, and tooth-colored restorations, as well as many other innovative aesthetic procedures.

3. Scripps Family & Cosmetic Dentistry

The screenshot of scripps family & cosmetic dentistry website
9855 Erma Rd #137,
San Diego, CA 92131

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Scripps Family and Cosmetic Dentistry can access your needs and will be able to help you get that perfect smile you desire. We offer a wide variety of cosmetic options. Some of these options are whitening, smile design, re-contouring of the shape of the teeth, veneers, bonding, and all ceramic/porcelain crowns.

4. Aesthetic Dentistry, Martin P. Abelar DDS

The screenshot of aesthetic dentistry, martin p. Abelar dds website
11515 El Camino Real,
San Diego, CA 92130

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Dr. Abelar was trained in cosmetic dentistry at the prestigious Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies. For years, his main focus has been creating healthy, beautiful and natural looking smiles for the people of San Diego.

5. Pearl Cosmetic and Family Dentistry

The screenshot of pearl cosmetic and family dentistry website
13522 Sabre Springs Pkwy Suite 201,
San Diego, CA 92128

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

As specialists in Cosmetic Dentistry, Dental Implants, Family and Pediatric Care, we understand the importance of good dental hygiene and oral care for individuals and families alike. We implement holistic dentistry by using non-toxic dental materials, hence eliminating their impact on overall health.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.