Top 5 Cosmetic Dentists in Peoria AZ

-- Dental Country Editors

Peoria AZ 4

Best cosmetic dental specialists in Peoria, AZ

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the cosmetic dentist’s market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

Dental ClinicGoogle RatingNumber of Google ReviewsYelp RatingNumber of Yelp ReviewsTotal Number of Reviews
1. AZ Cosmetic & Family Dentistry55984.537635
2. Plaza Family Dental – Peoria4.93283.513341
3. Modern Dentistry of Peoria4.9189411200
4. Desertview Dental Care4.6116510126
5. Patel Dental Care4.7303.5333


  • AZ Cosmetic & Family Dentistry has the highest number of total reviews with 635 and a high Google rating of 5.
  • Plaza Family Dental – Peoria has a high Google rating of 4.9 and the second-highest number of total reviews with 341.
  • Modern Dentistry of Peoria has a high Google rating of 4.9 and the third-highest number of total reviews with 200.
  • Desertview Dental Care has a high Yelp rating of 5 and the fourth-highest number of total reviews with 126.
  • Patel Dental Care has the lowest number of total reviews with 33 and a relatively low Yelp rating of 3.5.

Top 5 Dentists in Peoria AZ

1. AZ Cosmetic & Family Dentistry

The screenshot of az cosmetic & family dentistry azfamilydentistry. Com website
13695 N 75th Ave,
Peoria, AZ 85381

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

We offer an array of services, making it easy for you and your family to receive nearly every type of dental care you could need in one office, delivered by the dentist and team you know and trust. From high-quality preventive care to skilled restorative treatments to beautiful cosmetic improvements, we promise to always provide you the care you need and deserve.

Top 5 Pediatric Dentists in Peoria AZ

2. Plaza Family Dental – Peoria

The screenshot of plaza family dental myplazadental. Com website
9145 W Thunderbird Rd #105,
Peoria, AZ 85381

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Plaza Family Dental is proud to serve the community of Peoria, Arizona, as we have done for over 20 years. Our family dentists in Peoria have offered general, cosmetic & family dentistry services, and we’re proud to deliver complete, quality care to all of our patients. Our goal is to provide you and your family with the best dental care for years to come.

3. Modern Dentistry of Peoria

The screenshot of modern dentistry of peoria moderndentistryofpeoria. Com dr. Jaime a. Tobon website
20403 N Lake Pleasant Rd Suite 121,
Peoria, AZ 85382

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Cosmetic Dentistry is about making your dreams come true. If you ever hide your smile because you’re unhappy with your teeth, it’s time to consider our cosmetic smile solutions. At Modern Dentistry of Peoria, our goal is to give you the smile of your dreams. 

4. Desertview Dental Care

The screenshot of desertview dental care desertviewdentalcare. Com website
8987 W Olive Ave UNIT 120,
Peoria, AZ 85345

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

We practices a full scope of family and cosmetic dentistry with expertise ranging from porcelain veneers to dental implants, crowns and bridges. We can now correct a wide variety of so-called permanent cosmetic dental problems, and can literally redesign your smile.

5. Patel Dental Care

The screenshot of patel dental care pateldentistpeoria. Com website
7558 W Thunderbird Rd #8,
Peoria, AZ 85381

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Patel Dental Care provides a wide variety of dental services and procedures to address all of our patients’ dental health needs. By combining quality patient care with up-to-date technology, we are able to treat patients of all ages in a comfortable and relaxing setting.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.