Top 5 Cosmetic Dentists in Fort Collins CO

-- Dental Country Editors

Fort Collins CO 3

Best cosmetic dental specialists in Fort Collins, CO

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the cosmetic dentist’s market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

Dental PracticeGoogle RatingGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingYelp ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. East Harmony Dental4.91842.53187
2. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies51604.58168
3. The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry4.911936125
4. Engelhardt & Associates Family Dentistry5964.57103
5. Boone Brewer, DDS515N/AN/A31


  • From the comparison table above, we can see that all five dental practices have high Google ratings with an average of 4.96.
  • Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies has the highest Google rating of 5.0 with 160 reviews, while East Harmony Dental has the lowest Yelp rating of 2.5 with only 3 reviews.
  • In terms of total reviews, East Harmony Dental has the highest number of reviews with 187, while Boone Brewer, DDS has the lowest number of reviews with 31.
  • Overall, all five dental practices have excellent reputations based on their online reviews.

Top 5 Endodontists in Fort Collins CO

1. East Harmony Dental

The screenshot of east harmony dental eastharmonydental. Com website
3541 E Harmony Rd #140,
Fort Collins, CO 80528

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At East Harmony Dental, we offer cosmetic services alongside our general dentistry services under the same roof. This is a great option if you have decaying, dead teeth, or recently have had a tooth extraction.

2. Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies

The screenshot of family & cosmetic dentistry of the rockies smilefortcollins. Com website
4745 E Boardwalk Dr, #D102,
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Family & Cosmetic Dentistry of the Rockies, we only use advanced techniques and the latest technology to create and restore smiles for naturally beautiful results. For the uninitiated, cosmetic dentistry is simply a specialized form of dentistry that either restores or improves the health and look of your teeth.

3. The Fort Collins Dentist Family & Implant Dentistry

The screenshot of the fort collins dentist family & implant dentistry thefortcollins. Dentist website
2001 S Shields St L,
Fort Collins, CO 80526

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Express yourself with a radiant, memorable smile! Cosmetic dentistry can completely transform your look by making your smile flawless. Dr. Lesko provides teeth whitening, dental veneers, dental crowns, and more cosmetic services to fashion the smile of your dreams. A beautiful smile will elevate your self-esteem and make you want to socialize more. Your perfect smile will serve you well in both the personal and professional aspects of your life.

4. Engelhardt & Associates Family Dentistry

The screenshot of engelhardt & associates family dentistry drgeoffdds. Com website
1136 E Stuart St bldg 4 suite 104,
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

With cosmetic dentistry, Dr. Engelhardt and Dr. Nelson can treat a wide variety of imperfections with your smile. The color, spacing, shape, alignment, and symmetry of your teeth all contribute to your smile’s appearance. The good news is our dentists can remedy aesthetic concerns with cosmetic dentistry so you can have a beautiful smile once again.

5. Boone Brewer, DDS

The screenshot of boone brewer, dds boonebrewerdds. Com website
2129 W Elizabeth St,
Fort Collins, CO 80521

Google Rate Number of Reviews Healthgrades Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

We are a team dedicated to improving and maintaining your oral health. Whether your teeth are the wrong shape, crooked, stained, or chipped, our cosmetic dentists can treat your teeth with minimal methods using the latest techniques and the finest materials.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.