Top 5 Cosmetic Dentists in Amarillo TX

-- Dental Country Editors

Amarillo TX 3

Best cosmetic dental specialists in Amarillo, TX

We’ve compiled this Top 5 Cosmetic Dentists in Amarillo TX list based on the cosmetic dentist’s market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

PracticeGoogle RatingGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingYelp ReviewsFacebook RatingFacebook ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. Dr. David C. Woodburn Family & Comestic Dentistry4.9177N/AN/A4.928205
2. Texas Denture Clinic and Implant Center of Amarillo4.91465.01N/AN/A147
3. Eric Crawford, DDS Family Dentistry4.91045.04N/AN/A108
4. Charles J. Pybus, DDS4.91044.04N/AN/A108
5. Ormson Family and Cosmetic Dentistry4.969N/AN/A4.52392


  • There are five dental practices in Amarillo, Texas that provide cosmetic dentistry services: Dr. David C. Woodburn Family & Comestic Dentistry, Texas Denture Clinic and Implant Center of Amarillo, Eric Crawford, DDS Family Dentistry, Charles J. Pybus, DDS, and Ormson Family and Cosmetic Dentistry.
  • The practices have different ratings on Google, Yelp and Facebook, as well as a varying number of reviews. Dr. David C. Woodburn Family & Comestic Dentistry has the highest Google Rating of 4.9, the most reviews at 205, and the highest Facebook Rating of 4.9.
  • Texas Denture Clinic and Implant Center of Amarillo and Eric Crawford, DDS Family Dentistry both have a Yelp Rating of 5.0, while Charles J. Pybus, DDS has a Yelp Rating of 4.0.
  • Ormson Family and Cosmetic Dentistry has the lowest rating on Google, the least number of reviews, and a Facebook Rating of 4.5

Top 5 Oral Surgeons in Amarillo TX

1. Dr. David C. Woodburn Family & Comestic Dentistry

The screenshot of dr. David c. Woodburn family & comestic dentistry woodburndentalamarillo. Com website
2602 S Kentucky St,
Amarillo, TX 79109

Google Rate Number of Reviews Facebook Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Whether you need a simple teeth whitening or cosmetic teeth crowns, our cosmetic dentist service in Amarillo, TX can help increase your face value and self-confidence. Dr. Woodburn is familiar with all of the latest cosmetic dentistry procedures using the most up-to-date technology.

Top 5 Dentists in Amarillo TX

2. Texas Denture Clinic and Implant Center of Amarillo

The screenshot of texas denture clinic and implant center of amarillo amarillodentureclinic. Com website
1900 S Coulter St Ste E,
Amarillo, TX 79106

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Dr. Damon, Dr. Dupree, and Dr. Whittington provide our patients with new smiles every day. We are providing smile makeovers with Dr. Damon’s Better Teeth Now – Permanent Dental Implant Procedure, Cosmetic Dentistry with veneers, or removing painful teeth with Dentures.

3. Eric Crawford, DDS Family Dentistry

The screenshot of eric crawford, dds family dentistry ericcrawforddentist. Com website
6017 SW 45th Ave,
Amarillo, TX 79109

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Eric Crawford is dedicated to excellence in cosmetic dentistry such as tooth whitening, composite fillings, crowns, and veneers. A skilled, experienced cosmetic dentist can help to improve your appearance, your smile, even your self-esteem, and confidence. Today, cosmetic dentistry has continued to evolve to where cosmetic dentists can address functional and esthetic patient concerns.

4. Charles J. Pybus, DDS

The screenshot of charles j. Pybus, dds pybusdental. Com website
8003 SW 34th Ave,
Amarillo, TX 79121

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Treat yourself to the beautiful smile you deserve. Our dentist, Dr. Charles J. Pybus, and our team perform cosmetic dentistry in Amarillo, Texas, to help you create a picture-perfect smile.

5. Ormson Family and Cosmetic Dentistry

The screenshot of ormson family and cosmetic dentistry ormsondentistry. Com dr. Jon ormson website
4600 W, I-40 #201,
Amarillo, TX 79106

Google Rate Number of Reviews Facebook Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Dr. Jon Ormson provides cosmetic dentistry in Amarillo, Texas, to help you achieve a more aesthetic smile. Each treatment we provide at Jon Ormson DDS is designed with the appearance of your smile in mind, so that you can enjoy a smile that is both healthy and beautiful.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.