What Are The Best Methods Of Not Losing My Clear Aligner?

-- Sean Myran, DDS

Are Clear Aligners Suitable For All Orthodontic Issues?

Don’t let lost aligners slow your smile’s progress! Here are my top tips for keeping track of clear trays:

How Often Should I Clean My Teeth With Clear Aligners?

  • Invest in multiple well-sealing aligner cases and keep them everywhere – home, work, in your bag. Always store your trays in a case when out of your mouth.
  • Attach aligner cases to your keys or wallet so they’re always on you. Some cases come with a locking clip.
  • Keep aligners in when simply drinking water or a quick beverage. Limit removals to meal times only if possible.
  • Set a reminder in your phone to replace aligners after eating before moving on with your day. It’s easy to forget!
  • Purchase an orthodontic aligner attachment strap or bracelet to tether your aligners to when dining out.
  • Designate one spot at home where aligners always stay when you take them out. Keep a case there too.
  • Display notes like “Did you put your aligners back in?” on your bathroom mirror, dashboard, and fridge as reminders.
  • Always keep your previous aligner set somewhere handy in case a tray goes missing.
  • Opt for clear aligner brands that offer free replacement aligners if trays are lost.

A little added diligence goes a long way towards keeping tabs on your aligners! Stay consistent with smart wear and storage habits.

When Invisible Aligners Don’t Work?

Picture of Sean Myran, DDS

Sean Myran, DDS

Dr. Sean Myran is a dentist and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He practiced and ran his private practice dentistry for ten years and has been a full-time online marketing expert for the last 15 years. He writes for Dental Country and other blogs covering a wide range of dentistry-related topics.