Top 5 Dental Implant Courses. Continuing Education in Implant Dentistry

-- Sean Myran, DDS


Chart Your Implant Career with the Top CE course Institutes

Creating an implant-focused practice takes time and work, but luckily, the prospects of getting into implant dentistry have been increasing steadily over the past few years. The fact that almost 90% of general dentists worldwide have been placing implants, with 10% located in the United States, makes implant dentistry a viable and highly commercial source for-profit, primarily as new generations of dentists work on facing the challenges of today’s tooth problems. But starting on that path seems to vary from source, as each dentist has their own opinions on what dentists should do to learn more about an implant career.

Implant practices, from a broad sweep of observations, begin their studies with college courses and, later on, CE courses. For research students, implant trials and internships tend to help a lot of new dentists expand their careers in implants. Those initial experiences help aspiring dentists gain an advantage in an ever-growing industry, and gaining additional CE courses for consistently refreshing practices and learning new techniques. For dentists aspiring to learn about implants, finding the right sources for implant courses can be challenging if you don’t know where to look.

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What to Look For in a CE Provider?

When looking for CE courses, there are many online learning organizations that offer CE courses in implants. However, with an influx of providers in the market, unfamiliar CE providers can be daunting, especially when your national association or state mandates CE courses as a requirement.

ADA Accreditation

Boards such as the ADA will typically have a provided list of approved and accredited CE courses. With provider accreditation, organizations like the ADA will have rules and regulations that the provider will have to abide by to be approved of, and for dentists in search of implant courses, these lists will provide a greater, more secure way towards continuing education.

Credited Instructors

Instructors that have a wide range of experience in implant dentistry can also be a good source for CE courses, as long as they are licensed, healthcare professionals. Their specialization in the field can provide a deeper insight into implant dentistry, and many of these educators can be found at seminars, conventions, and trade fairs.

Variety in Course Selection

Sometimes, some of the best institutions for CE courses offer a variety of topics to choose from, giving to a more diverse audience. This expansion in topics can give dentists a vote of confidence in the provider’s production value and experience in the field. Implant dentistry, while it embodies a large range of subtopics, can interweave and connect with other aspects of dentistry.

Top 5 Online CE Courses for Dentists and Dental Staff

1. The Resnik Implant Institute

The Resnik Implant Institute led by Dr. Randolph R. Resnik, is dedicated to providing comprehensive education on oral implantology to dentists. For over thirty years, the institute has been incorporating various aspects of implant dentistry into its curriculum, such as different types of prosthetics, peri-implant diseases, and planning protocols. Participants at the Resnik Implant Institute have the opportunity to engage in hands-on laboratory sessions for surgical courses and benefit from a continually updated curriculum tailored to the needs of dental professionals. This includes instruction on procedures like membrane grafting and sinus graft procedures. Each course is designed to fulfill the continuing education requirements for all dentists.

ADA Approved: Yes

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2. Global Dental Implant Academy

Global dental implant academy

ADA Approved: Yes

The Global Dental Implant Academy is an international academy for dentists and specialists, offering educational resources for the advancement of implant dentistry. The Academy provides clinical training courses, hands-on workshops, live patient programs, mentorships, and international symposiums with the leading clinicians within the US, South America, Asia, and Europe. The Academy’s educational network focuses on presenting a multitude of topics for implant treatment and restoration, and the GDIA partners with the Korean dental implant manufacturer DENTIS to develop hands-on training for dentists.

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3. Implant Pathway

Implant pathway

ADA Approved: Yes

Implant Pathway, developed by implantologist Dr. Justin D. Moody, is a continuing education continuum that focuses on the surgical placement of implants. The continuum is divided into four sessions, with each session totaling up to 20 CE credits, focusing on both online and hands-on training. The company’s hands-on training takes place in multiple cities across the United States, and its fourth session concludes the course series with back-to-back live surgeries at the New Horizon Dental Center in Tempe, AZ. Dentists can learn about implant placement, surgery, oral sedation, anterior aesthetics, and full arch guides as some of the variety of topics the continuum teaches.

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4. Midwest Implant Institute

Midwest implant institute

ADA Approved: Yes

The Midwest Implant Institute has a long-standing tradition of elevating the care standards of implant dentistry, continuing with its initiatives to advance technology, instructions, applications, and techniques for implants. Dentists are able to work on their own patients when taught course and each dentist is responsible for placing at least 14 implants during their time in the program as an externship requirement. Each dentist gains their own experiences during their time in the Institute, learning bout advanced technology and hands-on approaches, allowing them to meet the professional standards of dentistry.

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5. New York Implant Insitute

New york implant institute

ADA Approved: Yes

The New York Implant Institute is one of the oldest institutes to provide continuing education courses to general dentists and specialists. The Institute provides hands-on exercises with live patient surgeries to teach dentists about implantology, and offer a variety of courses to fit everyone’s needs. Each of their courses takes place on a national and international scale through both online and in-person formats, and the Institute offers courses taught by some of the most well-known implantologists and surgeons. Their website updates their courses each year and allows dentists from all over to register at their convenience.

More Information

When it comes to dental implant courses, establishing a career in implantology involves taking a deep, abiding interest in all aspects of the field. Among this list of institutes, some other well-established education courses can be found at the Bay Area Implant Institute, The Academy of American Implant Dentistry, and Novobiotek.

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Picture of Sean Myran, DDS

Sean Myran, DDS

Dr. Sean Myran is a dentist and a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine. He practiced and ran his private practice dentistry for ten years and has been a full-time online marketing expert for the last 15 years. He writes for Dental Country and other blogs covering a wide range of dentistry-related topics.