Top 10 Dental Plastic Trays

-- Dental Country Editors

plastic impression trays in different colors

Table 1: Comparison of Numbers for Top 10 Trays Plastic

#Product NameReviewsPer PackageManufacturer
1Braval® Perforated Disposable Impression Trays4.812Braval
2Patterson® Perforated Disposable Plastic Alginate Impression Trays4.212Patterson Dental Supply
3Tray-Aways® Disposable Impression Trays3.812Keystone Industries
4COE® Disposable Spacer Impression Trays4.312GC America Inc
5Patterson® Legacy Perforated Disposable Plastic Alginate Impression Trays3.312Patterson Dental Supply
6Patterson® Disposable Plastic Impression Trays4.712Patterson Dental Supply
7Tra-Tens® Disposable Impression Trays412Water Pik Technologies Inc
8Excellent COLORS™ Disposable Impression Trays3.5Plasdent Corporation
9DenTray® II Disposable Impression Trays3.8Sultan Healthcare Inc
10President® Disposable Impression Trays2.312Coltene

Top 10 Dental Tray Material

1. Braval® Perforated Disposable Impression Trays

Braval® perforated disposable impression trays – blue, 12/pkg - braval

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Braval® Perforated Disposable Impression Trays are perforated trays made from a strong, rigid material to help generate consistent impressions.

  • Distortion-free, preshaped, readily trimmed or flame-softened for adjustment
  • Give nonslip grips and are compatible with a wide variety of impression materials

Top 10 Impression Tray Adhesives in Dentistry

2. Patterson® Perforated by Patterson Dental Supply

Atterson® perforated disposable plastic alginate impression trays – light blue, 12/pkg - patterson dental supply

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Patterson® Perforated Disposable Plastic Alginate Impression Trays consist of a unique, perforated pattern that enables excellent mechanical retention. They are plastic and reinforced with nylon for added longevity and use.

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3. Tray-Aways® Disposable Impression Trays – Perforated

Tray-aways® disposable impression trays – perforated, blue, 12/pkg - keystone industries

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Tray-Aways® are disposable impression trays for use with alginate or other types of impression materials where detailed reproduction and dimensionally stable results are vital. Made from rigid, high-impact FDA-approved styrene. Smooth, rounded edges, interior retention slots, and vertical perforation enhance material retention.

4. GC America’s COE® Disposable Spacer Impression Trays

Coe® disposable spacer impression trays – perforated, green color, 12/bag - gc america inc

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COE® Disposable Plastic Impression (Spacer) Trays have a unique zig-zag design that minimizes cusp contact with the tray. This provides the added benefit of seating the tray to the correct depth, allowing consistent, quality impressions.

  • Provides increased retention and maximum compression
  • No cleanup or sterilization minimizes the risk of cross-contamination
  • Minimizes contact of cusps to tray, ensuring sufficient bulk of impression around the teeth
  • Excellent stability; handle will remain intact when removing the impression
  • Avoids pressure on the lingual frenum and soft tissue

5. Patterson® Legacy Perforated Disposable Trays

Patterson® legacy perforated disposable plastic alginate impression trays – green, 12/pkg - patterson dental supply

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Plastic impression trays with reinforced nylon for added longevity and use, the Patterson® Legacy Alginate Impression Trays offer a unique, perforated pattern that enables excellent mechanical retention.

6. Patterson® Disposable Plastic Impression Trays

Patterson® disposable plastic impression trays – perforated, blue, 12/pkg - patterson dental supply

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Patterson® Disposable Plastic Impression Trays are made of a strong, rigid material that helps to create consistent, distortion-free impressions. Trays are pre-shaped and can be easily trimmed or flame-softened to adjust fit.

  • Perforations optimize the flow and retention of materials
  • Compatible with a wide range of impression materials
  • Nonslip grip for clean, easy removal

7. Tra-Tens® Disposable Impression Trays

Tra-tens® disposable impression trays – perforated, 12/pkg - water pik technologies inc

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Tra-Tens® Impression Trays have a unique, fully perforated pattern that enables excellent mechanical retention of impression material. These disposable trays are ideal for alginate impressions.

8. Excellent COLORS™ Disposable Impression Trays

Excellent colors™ disposable impression trays - plasdent corporation

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Excellent COLORS™ Disposable Impression Trays are used during dental impression procedures.

9. DenTray® II Disposable Impression Trays

Dentray® ii disposable impression trays, perforated - sultan healthcare inc

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DenTray® II are disposable impression trays made of rigid polystyrene to ensure stability and accurate results without distortion.

  • Slot and dot design locks impression material in place
  • Thermoplastic: can be customized by flame or trimming if desired
  • Ergonomically designed with a reinforced handle for easy seating and removal

10. President® Disposable Impression Trays

President® disposable impression trays, 12/pkg - coltene

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The President® Tray system’s design aggressively retains all types of impression materials. These plastic impression trays have a patented system of intersecting ribs and rails that provide rigidity.

Table 2: Comparison of Features for Top 10 Trays Plastic

#Product NameMaterialColorCompatibilitySpecial Features
1Braval® Perforated Disposable Impression TraysRigid MaterialBlueVariety of Impression MaterialsDistortion-free, preshaped, readily trimmed or flame softened for adjustment
2Patterson® Perforated Disposable Plastic Alginate Impression TraysPlastic Reinforced with NylonLight BlueAlginate Impression MaterialsPerforated pattern for excellent mechanical retention
3Tray-Aways® Disposable Impression TraysFDA Approved StyreneBlueAlginate or Other Impression MaterialsSmooth, rounded edges, interior retention slots, vertical perforation for enhanced material retention
4COE® Disposable Spacer Impression TraysGreenUnique zig-zag design minimizes cusp contact with the tray, provides increased retention and maximum compression
5Patterson® Legacy Perforated Disposable Plastic Alginate Impression TraysPlastic Reinforced with NylonGreenAlginate Impression MaterialsPerforated pattern for excellent mechanical retention
6Patterson® Disposable Plastic Impression TraysStrong, Rigid MaterialBlueVariety of Impression MaterialsPerforations optimize flow and retention of materials, nonslip grip for easy removal
7Tra-Tens® Disposable Impression TraysAlginate Impression MaterialsFully perforated pattern for excellent mechanical retention
8Excellent COLORS™ Disposable Impression Trays
9DenTray® II Disposable Impression TraysRigid PolystyreneSlot and dot design locks impression material in place, thermoplastic for customization, reinforced handle for easy seating and removal
10President® Disposable Impression TraysAll types of Impression MaterialsIntersecting ribs and rails provide rigidity for material retention

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