Top 5 Pediatric Dentists in Brownsville TX

-- Dental Country Editors

Brownsville TX

Best pediatric dental specialists in Brownsville, TX

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the pediatric dental’s market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Comparison Table:

Practice NameGoogle RatingGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingYelp ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. All Valley Smiles4.915053153
2. Brownsville Pediatric Dentistry3.643N/AN/A43
3. Valley Dental4.516N/AN/A80
4. Claudia Eugenia Rodriguez, DDS5.0551520
5. Burke Children’s Dentistry3.85N/AN/A5


  • All Valley Smiles has the highest number of total reviews with 153, a high Google rating of 4.9 and a Yelp rating of 5.
  • Brownsville Pediatric Dentistry has the lowest Google rating of 3.6 with 43 reviews.
  • Valley Dental has a high rating on Facebook with 4.7 with 64 reviews and a Google rating of 4.5 with 16 reviews.
  • Claudia Eugenia Rodriguez, DDS has a perfect rating on Google with 5 reviews and a high rating on Dental Insider with 5 reviews.
  • Burke Children’s Dentistry has the lowest total number of reviews with only 5 Google reviews and a Yelp rating of N/A with only 5 reviews.

Top 5 Dentists in Brownsville TX

1. All Valley Smiles

The screenshot of all valley smiles allvalleysmilesdental. Com website
5850 Ruben M Torres Blvd,
Brownsville, TX 78526

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

All Valley Smiles loves treating kids of all ages. Our experienced staff of gentle, kind, and compassionate professionals helps kids day-in and day-out have the oral healthcare they deserve as well as have confident, beautiful smiles that they can be proud of.

Top 5 Cosmetic Dentists in Brownsville TX

2. Brownsville Pediatric Dentistry

The screenshot of brownsville pediatric dentistry brownsvillepediatricdentistry. Com dr. Lorena salcedo website
2155 North Expy,
Brownsville, TX 78520

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Welcome to the office of Lorena Salcedo, D.D.S., M.S. Certified by The American Board of Pediatric Dentistry. Our mission is to provide quality pediatric dental care for your child in a pleasant, personal and comfortable environment. We focus on prevention, early detection and treatment of dental diseases, and keep current on the latest advances in dentistry for children.

3. Valley Dental

The screenshot of valley dental texasvalleydental. Com website
2334 Boca Chica Blvd Suite 200,
Brownsville, TX 78521

Google Rate Number of Reviews Facebook Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Valley Dental, your kids dentist and staff ensures that your child feels comfortable and at ease through exceptional teamwork and an individual approach to the needs of each and every child, whether it’s a dental check-up, filling a tooth cavity or gum disease prevention.

4. Claudia Eugenia Rodriguez, DDS

The screenshot of claudia eugenia rodriguez, dds lowervalleydental. Com website
4920 North Expressway Suite D,
Brownsville, TX 78526

Google Rate Number of Reviews Dental Insider Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

Dr. Rodriguez is a children’s dental specialist treating kids 6 months and older. Overall oral health, caries prevention and education is her primary goal. However, if treatment is required we can provide treatment using nitrous oxide (laughing gas), in-office conscious sedation or output hospital treatment for general anesthesia.

5. Burke Children’s Dentistry – Brownsville

The screenshot of burke children's dentistry - brownsville burkesmiles. Com website
302 Lorenaly Dr suite c,
Brownsville, TX 78526

Google Rate Number of Reviews Yelp Rate Number of Reviews Total Reviews

At Burke Children’s Dentistry, we take a proactive approach to help you and your little ones follow an amazing oral health routine while providing comprehensive services that keep your child’s smile looking beautiful.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.