Top 5 Dentists in Somerville MA

-- Dental Country Editors

Somerville, MA image

Best dentists in Somerville, MA

We’ve compiled this Top 5 list based on the general dentists’ market exposure, the quality of their current online ratings, and the presentation of the practice on their website.

Here is a comparison table highlighting the ratings and reviews for the five dental practices mentioned:

Practice NameGoogle RatingGoogle ReviewsYelp RatingYelp ReviewsTotal Reviews
1. Dental Arts Davis Square4.2664107173
2. Assembly Dental4.83094.540349
3. Great Hill Dental – Somerville4.53033.554357
4. Gentle Dental Somerville4.52093.548257
5. My Dental – Somerville4.6208208


  • Dental Arts Davis Square has a moderate Google rating and a relatively smaller number of reviews on both Google and Yelp.
  • Assembly Dental has a high Google rating and a large number of reviews on both Google and Yelp.
  • Great Hill Dental – Somerville has a good Google rating and a moderate number of reviews. It also has a slightly lower Yelp rating with a higher number of reviews.
  • Gentle Dental Somerville has a good Google rating and a moderate number of reviews. It also has a slightly lower Yelp rating with a smaller number of reviews.
  • My Dental – Somerville has a good Google rating with a substantial number of reviews. Yelp rating and Yelp reviews were not provided.

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1. Dental Arts Davis Square

Dentalartsdavissquare. Com screenshot
396 Highland Ave,

Somerville, MA 02144

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.2664107 173

Dental Arts Davis Square offers comprehensive care for both general and specialty dental needs. Whether you require regular dental cleanings and check-ups or specialized treatments, you can find all the services you need in one convenient location.

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2. Assembly Dental

Somervilledentist. Com screenshot
460 Foley St,

Somerville, MA 02145

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.83094.5 40 349

At Assembly Dental, we offer an extensive range of dental services and procedures to cater to the diverse dental health needs of our patients. Our commitment to providing top-notch patient care is complemented by our utilization of advanced technology, allowing us to deliver exceptional treatment to patients of all ages.

3. Great Hill Dental – Somerville

Somerville. Greathilldental. Com screenshot
20 Holland St Ste 400,

Somerville, MA 02144

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.53033.5 54 357

When it comes to your health, experience is paramount. Great Hill Dental Partners offers you the chance to have all your dental requirements fulfilled through the seamless care provided by our multi-specialty practice. Benefit from the expertise and continuity of care, ensuring your dental needs are met with the utmost professionalism and skill.

4. Gentle Dental Somerville

Gentledental. Com_dental-offices_ma_somerville screenshot
14 McGrath Hwy,

Somerville, MA 02143

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.52093.5 48 257

At Gentle Dental Somerville, our dentists take great pride in delivering comprehensive dental services. Through continuous education and training, we stay abreast of the latest advancements in dental care, ensuring that our patients receive high-quality treatment they can trust. We prioritize building enduring and trusting relationships with our patients, as it is an integral part of our overall care approach.

5. My Dental – Somerville

Mydentalcares. Com screenshot
128 Broadway,

Somerville, MA 02145

Google Rate Number of ReviewsYelp Rate Number of ReviewsTotal Reviews
4.6208 208

My Dental is dedicated to providing the latest advancements in general, cosmetic, preventive, and implant dentistry with a strong focus on integrity, compassion, and care. We prioritize the well-being of our patients by utilizing digital radiography for x-rays, resulting in reduced radiation exposure and less time spent at the dental office.

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Dental Country Editors

The Dental Country research and editing team reviews all the public and specialty data available for products and services in dentistry as well as consumers' feedback and reviews to provide a fair source of information to both professional and public consumers in dentistry. We appreciate feedback, corrections, suggestions, or additional information available regarding all reviews and articles.